Hairtype: A Unique Typeface Made from Human Hair

Combining Art and Typography in an Unconventional Design

This font was made from the long hair of a girl, resulting in a unique and visually striking typeface. The designer, YIYUAN DING, found inspiration in the girl's long hair and the stroke of the characters. The goal was to create a typography work that went beyond traditional methods and utilized human hair as a medium.

Hairtype is a group of typographic designs that combines the 26 Latin alphabet characters with a girl's long hair. This unconventional approach creates a different appearance compared to common typography. The soft and flowing nature of the long hair allows for intricate patterns that resemble the Latin alphabet. The production technology involved using a camera to capture photos of the hair and then designing the patterns using Photoshop.

The process of creating Hairtype presented several challenges. The elegant long hair and stroke of the characters needed to be maintained while ensuring the font recognition was clear. Since hair doesn't naturally conform to the rules of typography, it required careful manipulation to form recognizable letters. The result is a collection of characters that retain the distinct gestures of Latin fonts.

The project began in October 2015 in Xian and was completed in January 2016 in Yangzhou. Throughout the design process, YIYUAN DING conducted extensive research to explore the possibilities of using human hair as a creative medium. The soft and malleable nature of the hair allowed for experimentation and the creation of intricate patterns that resembled the Latin alphabet.

Hairtype showcases the fusion of art and typography, pushing the boundaries of traditional design. By incorporating human hair into the creation of a typeface, YIYUAN DING has created a visually captivating and thought-provoking piece. The use of unconventional materials challenges our perception of what is possible in the world of design.

This innovative design was recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in 2016 in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. The award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yiyuan Ding
Image Credits: Main image is Image #1, Optional Image #1 is Image #2, Optional Image #2 is Image #3, Optional Image #3 is Image #4, Optional Image #4 is Image #5.
Project Team Members: YIYUAN DING
Project Name: Hairtype
Project Client: Yiyuan Ding

Hairtype IMG #2
Hairtype IMG #3
Hairtype IMG #4
Hairtype IMG #5
Hairtype IMG #5

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